How To Find Experts (part 2 of 2)
How To Find The Experts You Had No Idea You Needed In part one of this post, I explained some tips that have worked for me when I needed to find the great people I like to, and need to…
How To Find The Experts You Had No Idea You Needed In part one of this post, I explained some tips that have worked for me when I needed to find the great people I like to, and need to…
I was listening to the Six Pixels of Separation podcast the other day and James Altucher was the guest. During the podcast, I found out about his new book called Choose Yourself. I bought it that day and finished it…
Ok, so the word “expert” may be relative and it may make you immediately think of a Dilbert cartoon. However, there may come a point in time when you need to find someone who does “x”. Be it a writer,…
It’ll be a gorgeous night for a summer bbq, some marketing talk and meeting peers at the American Marketing Association-Toronto chapter (AMA-Toronto) social event tonight. These events are always fun. Folks are laid back and its great to meet others…
New! On Twitter? Like quotes? Click to join our beta trial. I was a guest at a speed networking event yesterday morning hosted by the Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs (CAWEE). It was my first event of this…